Ialysos Village

Ialysos Rhodes GR

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Ialisos (or Trianda), birthplace of Olympic Heroes, a site of amazing sunsets and a hub of tourism, conferences, religion, culture, club- ing and sports. It used to be one of the three great ancient cities of Rhodes, which together with Lindos, Kamiros, Kos, Knidos and Alikarnasos formed the Dorian Exapolis (six-cities federation). The area was first settled by the pre-hellenic tribe of Kares, followed by the Phoenicians. Tradition has it that the town of Ialisos, acquired fame thanks to the Olympic Champion Diagoras. Ialisos took part in the Athenian wars until 412 BC. In the Middle Ages, the area came under the rule of the Knights of the Order of St. John, authors of many monuments and buildings. Ruins of the Acropolis of Ialisos, witness the existence of a once grandiose Dorian temple, dedicated to Goddess Athena (Minerva) and Dias.

Today the municipality of Ialisos is a popular cosmopolitan resort. The modern hotel units of Ialisos, in the zones of Trianda and Ixia play host to thousands of guests all through the year - holiday makers, conference attendees and business people, with peak times

between March and October. Guests enjoy the sun, sea, water sports, beach soccer and beach volley on the organized beaches, to mention but a few of the many opportunities for leisure available on the waterfront. Ialisos beach is one of the most favored international destinations for Windsurfing, Kitesurfing and Sailing fans. Nights are full of light and excitement, thanks to a multitude of coffee shops, bars and Greek Tavernas, in the center of the areas of Trianda and Ixia, catering to all tastes. Traditional Greek hospitality is combined with the scenic delights of the region and an abundance of archaeological sites.

On the green slopes of Filerimos one can visit the monastery of Virgin Mary as well as the ruins of the ancient acropolis. Moreover, visitors may enjoy the natural beauty of the landscape and the unique view on the sea while trekking, horse riding or mountain-biking. The neo-classical houses, Byzantine churches, and the numerous resi- dences and fortified mansions dating from the Knight’s era in the area, are of special interest.

Most of the luxury hotels of Ialisos town in the Ixia area feature ultramodern and fully equipped conference halls, apt for a successful hosting of international conferences, meeting the requirements of even the most demanding organizers, which have righteously made the reputation of Ialisos as a high standard conference tourism destination throughout the Mediterranean.